
Welcome to the Aloha High School Photography Blog. The purpose of this blog is for AHS Photo students to share their images and comment on the work of their peers. I hope you enjoy it.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Emma May- Issue Project

Animal abuse is a phenomenon that happens all around the world. In the US alone, over 17,000 cases of animal abuse were reported in 2012. This doesn't take into account the hundreds, perhaps thousands of animal abuse cases that go unreported. It is important to spread awareness of this issue because it is prevalent in all forms of society, and if it is seen it should be reported. Animals may not have a voice, but they do have feelings and they can feel pain. Every animal deserves a home, but not every home deserves an animal.


  1. i really like your topic and pictures. thats a cool dog.

  2. I fully support this topic and I love the pictures

  3. I like the in depth explanation and the pictures are great

  4. The pictures are very clear and its an important topic to talk about.

  5. Your camera work is fantastic and the way you portrayed your dog effectively gets the message across


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